The Artist
Kristen Walsh is a published author and self-taught artist. She has been felting for 20+ years using fiber and felting as her primary medium. She is the originator of plein-air felting, requiring her to invent her own felting equipment in order to create her art outdoors.
Though Kristen is not formally trained she has been earning attention for her felting, winning prizes as well as having work selected for publication in Fiber Arts magazine and Cloth, Paper, Scissors magazine. Her work is in private collections and has been selected for many juried gallery exhibitions around the United States. Recently she has published a felting book, Layers: Felted Art Projects Sparked from the Soul.
Kristen enjoys teaching and finds great satisfaction in helping people who might not think they are creative find the creative spark, a spark that she believes lives in all of us. She has taught out of her studio, art centers and galleries, schools, senior centers, fiber festivals, shops and teaches in-depth multi-day workshops on location.
Kristen sees no end to the possibilities with felting and wants to continue exploring felting through continued teaching as well as creating her own felted works of art. Her work can be seen at WalshFineFelt.com
Artist Statement
In my personal life and as an artist, I care about spiritual things. I desire to create art that draws others into a meaningful conversation. What touches them and why? Is my art expressing something true in their life? Does it stir up a longing for their life or the world?
As a spiritual person, these questions are important to me but it goes further. I desire to focus on what people have in common, not what divides them. I strive to inspire thoughts and conversation about universal ideas of living in kindness, supporting one another and bringing peace in the world.
My sculptural work and two-dimensional pieces focus on these ideas. I include people that are deep in thought or expressing love and support and even struggle. When I make a landscape, it is often inspired by an emotion or a moving story or quote. Whether human form or landscape, my goal is to help the viewer pause from their fast pace of life and take a moment for deeper reflection.
P O Box 146
Middle Haddam, CT 06456
info [at] walshfinefelt.com